- no-effect level
- безопасный уровень
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• безопасный уровень• неэффективный уровень• уровень, не оказывающий влияния
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уровень, не оказывающий влияния
Англо-русский словарь по экологии. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь по экологии. 2011.
No-Effect-Level — [ nəʊɪ fektlevl; englisch no effect »keine Wirkung«], Toxikologie: die höchstmögliche Konzentration eines chemischen Wirkstoffes, die im Tierversuch noch keine Vergiftungserscheinungen bewirkt; der No Effect Level ist die Basis für die… … Universal-Lexikon
No observable adverse effect level — The no observable adverse effect level (NOAEL) denotes the level of exposure of an organism, found by experiment or observation, at which there is no biologically or statistically significant (e.g. alteration of morphology, functional capacity,… … Wikipedia
No observable adverse effect level (NOAEL) — NOAEL (No observable adverse effect level) denotes the level of exposure of an organism, found by experiment or observation, at which there is no biologically or statistically significant (e.g. alteration of morphology, functional capacity,… … Wikipedia
Derived no-effect level — The derived no effect level (DNEL) is the level of exposure to a substance above which humans should not be exposed. According to REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) legislation, i.e. REGULATION (EC) No… … Wikipedia
lowest observed adverse effect level — (LOAEL), lowest observed effect level (LOEL) in studies of the toxicity of chemicals, the lowest dosage level at which chronic exposure to the substance shows adverse effects; usually calculated for laboratory animals … Medical dictionary
no observed adverse effect level — (NOAEL), no observed effect level (NOEL) in studies of the toxicity of chemicals, the highest dosage level at which chronic exposure to the substance shows no adverse effects; usually calculated for laboratory animals … Medical dictionary
No observable effect level — NOEL oder NOEC (No Observed Effect Level oder Concentration) ist ein toxikologischer Endpunkt in der Toxizitätsbestimmung. Der NOEL entspricht der höchsten Dosis oder Expositionskonzentration eines Stoffes in subchronischen oder chronischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
No-Effect-Level — No Ef|fect Le|vel [nou i fɛktlɛvl̩] der; s, s <zu engl. no effect »keine Wirkung« u. ↑Level> höchstmögliche Konzentration eines chem. Wirkstoffes, die noch keine Vergiftungserscheinungen bewirkt (bei Tierversuchen; Pharm.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
no-effect level — conditions or concentrations of a chemical which have no adverse effect on fish life (usually in the statistically significant sense) … Dictionary of ichthyology
Level — or levels may refer to: Contents 1 Places 2 Engineering related 3 Science and mathematics … Wikipedia
no-observed-adverse-effect level — abbr. NOAEL The highest exposure level at which there are no biologically significant increases in frequency or severity of adverse effects between the exposed population and its appropriate control group; some effects may be produced at this… … Petroleum refining glossary